I’ve been trying to find a good Marxist instance, but Lemmygrad and Hexbear are widely hated. Why is that? Are there any good leftist instances?

  • @spiderplant
    26 months ago

    But then you can have over here a super privileged white man, who decides he now goes by neo-pronouns, puts no work or risk in and retains every privilege in society of being a white man.

    IMO saying you don’t look queer enough or are too privileged so you can’t use neo-pronouns is policing it.

    It’s like saying to a disabled person that they don’t look disabled enough or are too privileged to use disabled parking spaces.

    This looks to me in absolutely no way comparable to what it’s like to be trans.

    You aren’t qualified to make this judgement and neither am I.

    I would say something like, I feel like neo-pronoun people have culturally appropriated the struggle of trans people. You can pick up some neo-pronouns and get all the leftist points, without actually putting yourself on the line the way trans people put themselves on the line.

    I’m near 100% sure neo-pronouns come from queer spaces or other cultures where queerness is respected. You are IMO using right wing talking points whenever you critique neo-pronouns usage.

    It’s an anonymous message board, they don’t look like anything, but they act like Nazis. It was never about the pronouns on their own.

    So why call out pronouns? Also calling them Nazis for respondimg negatively to you is not a good look when even you admit what you wrote is not okay.

    I think Hexbear weaponizes accusations of transphobia the same was Israel weaponizes accusations of anti-semitism. If someone accused them of acting like a fascist, they have their cultural oppression on hand to exploit for their own gain.

    Again you admit you were transphobic in your comments so in this case the accusation was correct so it’s not like Israel.

    Comparisons to fascism to try and back up your argument against an antifascist instance is quite funny to me and again does make its seem you are arguing in bad faith here to try and smear the instance.

    I appreciate that you have apologised a couple of times in the comments but you keep saying stuff after it that you need to apologise for again.

    If you actually want to learn from trans people, maybe try not to debate them when they tell you something and listen to what they are saying.

    • @FaeDrifter@midwest.social
      16 months ago

      Get this straight for me then:

      If a GOP white supremacist says, “my pronouns are ‘kiss my ass’” at at GOP convention, is that now a queer space and is it transphobic to criticize him?

      • @spiderplant
        6 months ago

        Again you’re coming across as a cunt.

        This is a non argument.

        Let me rephrase it for you: what if a person that is vehemently against trans people made fun of pronouns?

        People should criticise those acting against trans people. People should not criticise those exploring queer ideas in good faith and respecting the people in that space.

        • @FaeDrifter@midwest.social
          16 months ago

          So Hexbear is not directly but incidentally supporting the GOP.

          So supporting the destruction of trans rights in America.

          In that context, can you see how that would make Hexbear’s use of pronouns look like a mockery and not a good faith exploration of queerness?

          • @spiderplant
            16 months ago

            Most of hexbear is against the GOP for the same reason that they don’t support the US in general.

            It sounds like you’re coming in here with a neoconservative liberal worldview and don’t understand the politics here.

            If you are actually interested in learning about leftist ideas, check this reel and account out: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CqS0Wd_Lo8c/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

            Its a bit of a meme but all the content is easy to digest and good to know.

            • @FaeDrifter@midwest.social
              16 months ago

              I’ll check out the Instagram reel when I have a chance.

              Most of hexbear is against the GOP for the same reason that they don’t support the US in general.

              I’ll consider this, but this is wildly shocking news to me, that Hexbear is against the GOP.

              Overwhelmingly Hexbear seems to support an apathetic centrist “both sides are basically the same” stance on US politics.

              Disenfranchising leftist voters is 100% a pro-GOP move. It helped get Trump elected in 2016 and stack the SCOTUS with conservative judges to take away women’s rights. It could easily work in 2024 to get Trump elected again and strip trans right even worse than they are now.

              So I don’t follow that Hexbear is anti-GOP when their actions are effectively pro-GOP.

              • @spiderplant
                6 months ago

                The ‘two sides’ are not the only sides when it comes to politics.

                For everyone outside America they look the same, conservative and violently imperialist.

                I think its fair to say most of hexbear would welcome a major shift away from the two parties to more left options or even go as far as wanting a violent revolution to eradicate those currently in power.

                Your argument that you have to vote for one side to keep the other out benefits both the GOP and the democrats. I’m also from a divided place but for here people vote to keep the other religion/ethnicity out of power, its not good for the politics and it’s not good for the people as it often causes governmental collapse which we’ve seen a few times recently and we’ve also seen it with the US.

                • @FaeDrifter@midwest.social
                  16 months ago

                  Your argument that you have to vote for one side to keep the other out benefits both the GOP and the democrats.

                  It absolutely does not benefit the GOP to vote for democrats. Fox News is GLOATING over leftists abandoning the dems. Hexbear and company is handing the party of white supremacy and trans genocide a massive win wrapped in gold foil.

                  The ‘two sides’ are not the only sides when it comes to politics.

                  I think its fair to say most of hexbear would welcome a major shift away from the two parties to more left options or even go as far as wanting a violent revolution to eradicate those currently in power.

                  It’s a mathematical fact that with FPTP voting, you only have two choices. Not philosophical, not social, it’s an* indisputable unchangeable mathematical fact*. If 66% of the country votes progressive split evenly between 2 people, and 34% votes white supremacist, the white supremacist wins.

                  All of us want a shift away from the two-party sytem, but the only way forward is ranked-choice voting. And if the democrats are in power, there’s a small chance of getting ranked-choice voting. If the GOP is in power, there’s a 0% chance of ranked-choice voting.

                  There’s a million legitimate reasons to criticize dems and in an ideal situation, in a few years or decades most of them will be on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity. But whether it comes to protecting trans lives or erasing the 2-party system, dems are the only way forward.

                  As for violent revolution, imho it’s a cope LARP, same as QAnon’s cope LARP.

                  • @spiderplant
                    6 months ago

                    Both sides convincing their respective voter bases that they have to vote for them to keep the other party out and that there is no other viable option absolutely does benefit the two current parties equally.

                    I’m not to sure about American politics whether coalitions are allowed but FPTP does not have to mean just two parties swapping office every 4 years. A strong leftist 3rd party could act as king makers and force whatever party they go into coalition with to take more leftist stances.

                    We’ve had this happen in the UK to greater and lesser effectiveness over the years. It only improves democracy as it gives voters more options that potentially align with their values.

                    In fact despite the UK being FPTP there are at least 10 parties that get seats in parliament.

    • @FaeDrifter@midwest.social
      16 months ago

      Comparisons to fascism to try and back up your argument against an antifascist instance is quite funny to me and again does make its seem you are arguing in bad faith here to try and smear the instance.

      A anti-fascist instance would not geopolitically align itself with neo-Nazis.

      • @spiderplant
        16 months ago

        Hexbear does not geopolitically align with neo-Nazis you dolt.

          • @spiderplant
            16 months ago

            Are they pro Russia or are they just anti US imperialism?

            I’m not talking about individuals btw, I’m talking about the politics of the whole instance since there are different leftist on there including anarchists.