My friend sent me this, the current state of Reddit. (I left during the app issue and haven’t looked back)

  • @dmention7
    486 months ago

    God… I can barely remember the time before the top comment threads of every goddamned post were always lazy strings of circle-jerky jokes that you could predict before even clicking into the thread.

    • @rckclmbr
      176 months ago

      I could barely remember too, then I took an arrow to the knee!

      106 months ago

      Don’t you love it when they’re not even made by humans, but it’s just bots copying the top comment from the last time it got posted

    • @EatATaco
      66 months ago

      I was hoping when I came over here it would be more like the good old days of reddit. And i think it is, but barely. Plenty of the low quality shit made the jump as well.

      Just look at this thread. Sort by top. The top post is circle jerking about people left reddit for here. The next top post is a vomiting emoji. A fucking emoji. I haven’t even been here that long and the comments in this thread were predictable in the same exact way.

      • @27myths
        6 months ago

        I feel like that’s more of the state of how we communicate with eachother. Verbal communication is increasingly low effort and low quality just like any social media platforms I’ve been on. The only exception is hyper niche communities who’s main focus is on the actual INFORMATION. Ultimately, low importance/helpful post are going to have low importance/helpful responses.