Hello. Many of the older thinkpads were regarded as being peak for the ability to repair and easily see into them at both the hardware and software levels.

I was wondering, what PC, if any, is similar in this regard? Aside from building your own PC ofc. Any opinions are welcome. Thank you.

  • JackGreenEarth
    84 months ago

    Many people just don’t have £2000 to spend on a laptop, no matter how much it could save them in the log run.

    • @LWD
      154 months ago

      The most recycling friendly laptop is the one you already on, isn’t it? In addition, if somebody dropped a quarter of that price on a laptop, then used It’s in exchange for a different laptop every couple years, couldn’t they have a half decent system for around a decade without having to worry about a laptop that’s expensive up front but easy to upgrade?

      I’m not very good with hardware replacement myself, but based on some of the comments here, if I needed a laptop I might consider a used ThinkPad

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlM
        14 months ago

        A new ThinkPad could be bought for $800, and a refurbished one for lesser. No, ThinkPads do not get replaced every 2 years (my L470 is almost in 7th year), and the third party and official parts availability is better for Lenovo ThinkPads than Framework.