Was thinking about how sometimes a therapist can give bad advice, and if you’re not thinking about the situation clearly, how would you know? Clearly the solution is to see a bunch of them concurrently, like a therapist RAID setup

  • intensely_human
    1 year ago

    That sounds like a useful bit of procedural knowledge, not advice.

    I bet she presented is some way like “Well, if you’re interested there are some methods that are known to work …” and then waited for you to decide that it would be good to learn those.

    At least that’s how my therapists have presented such things. I’ve learned methods from them, but I haven’t heard them say “I think you should do X”.

    If a person comes and asks for advice, you say things like “I mean you gotta take care of X, so that means you’re gonna have to Y. If I were you I’d start with Z and then …”

    That’s what I mean by advice. Making decisions for them. Educating on a procedure is just making sure information is available.