• intensely_human
    1 year ago

    In Colorado we recently voted to help people commit suicide if their circumstances suck enough, and I’m for that.

    I think if you take away a person’s means of suicide you are encasing them in a prison of flesh. A person has the right to decide whether their own life continues and if your plan for suicide prevention is to remove the means, it just means you’re willing to force people to suffer fates worse than death.

    • PoliticalAgitator
      1 year ago

      Congratulations on one of the grossest pro-gun takes I’ve seen in a while. I’d genuinely love to know if you actually believed what you were saying and if not, if the morality of what you were advocating crossed your mind at any point. My bet would be that you’re so far gone that it didn’t, you just wanted to rush to defend guns.

      Anyway, to address your misinformation: Colorado passed a “death with dignity” law that allows terminally ill patients to request assisted suicide.

      Before that request is granted, they need to have a terminal illness, make multiple requests at least 2 weeks apart, be judged capable of making the decision and not in any way cooreced.

      After which, they are given medication to end their life, rather than their husband or fathers AR-15 so they can spray their brains all over the ceiling, traumatising the people who find them, the people who clean up their remains and apparently bloodthirsty gun owners who wished they could have watched.

      Every single person involved in assisted dying opposes the use of the word “suicide”. These are people who want to live but don’t have the option, so choose to go painlessly on their own terms, rather in agony in a hospital bed.

      Actual suicide is an act of desperation. That’s why means reduction and survivability play such huge roles – if you can delay a suicide for even minutes, you dramatically increase the chances that people will reach out (or be discovered) and get the help they need.

      Anyway, you’ve put dogshit where your brain and soul is supposed to go and if I found out that anyone in my life shared your opinions, I’d cut them from it immediately.