Guess I’ll get things started here! Tell me what you believe about the creation of the universe, and any god(s) that may be out there. But most importantly, let’s hear why you believe it!

  • eldoom
    1 year ago

    I’m pretty Wiccan myself. Not particularly very traditional in any way, like I can’t really decide whether I believe that the Lord and the the triple moon goddess are real or symbolic but I know for sure I identify with them.

    There’s no real creation story with Wicca so I personally just believe that we exist purely by chance, which is beautiful to me in it’s own way. So many things that took billions upon billions of years had to have happened in the universe just to make the planet we live on liveable. Even the iron in our blood was created in the last few moments of a star’s life. It’s no wonder we feel such a connection when we look up at the night sky.

    I’m Wiccan because it’s what just makes sense to me. Nature has always put me in awe and made me feel at home, and it just feels real to me. I feel good when I cast any sort of spell and I feel like it works. Going out and dancing in the middle of the woods at night is my idea of a great time too lol! And plus! Crystals!