Guess I’ll get things started here! Tell me what you believe about the creation of the universe, and any god(s) that may be out there. But most importantly, let’s hear why you believe it!

  • eldoom
    1 year ago

    I’m pretty Wiccan myself. Not particularly very traditional in any way, like I can’t really decide whether I believe that the Lord and the the triple moon goddess are real or symbolic but I know for sure I identify with them.

    There’s no real creation story with Wicca so I personally just believe that we exist purely by chance, which is beautiful to me in it’s own way. So many things that took billions upon billions of years had to have happened in the universe just to make the planet we live on liveable. Even the iron in our blood was created in the last few moments of a star’s life. It’s no wonder we feel such a connection when we look up at the night sky.

    I’m Wiccan because it’s what just makes sense to me. Nature has always put me in awe and made me feel at home, and it just feels real to me. I feel good when I cast any sort of spell and I feel like it works. Going out and dancing in the middle of the woods at night is my idea of a great time too lol! And plus! Crystals!

  • redballooon
    1 year ago

    I believe god is poorly defined. I believe that religious belief is faith rather than believing in a hypothesis without evidence. Religious people understand these terms in different ways than non religious people.

    Further I believe that for this reason most conversations about “does a god exist” or “this or that ideology is just like a religion” rarely get anywhere.

    • A_Very_Big_FanOPM
      1 year ago

      I believe that religious belief is faith rather than believing in a hypothesis without evidence.

      What is the difference between faith and “believing a hypothesis without evidence”?

      As a non-believer, these concepts are the same to me

      • redballooon
        1 year ago

        Maybe faith is also not good enough defined to use it without further explanation.

        Let me use an example my religious parents always used. For them the “god” is the thing that they use to define their life. For them a soccer fan who goes to some stadium most Sundays, and plans and lives their life around their team would have “soccer” as god. Therefore, the sentence “I don’t think a god exists” just doesn’t make sense. In their framework of religion everyone has one or multiple gods, it’s just the things everyone uses to live for. And the faith is the dedication towards these life defining things.

  • blankSlate000
    1 year ago

    Personally I think that a long time ago (far and above my paygrade) the universe was created (or maybe it always was). Then even longer later, species evolved to become humans as we know ourselves today. Whether or not there was some sort of creator hardly matters to me now.

    If there is, I’d ask why he created everything if he already knows everything that was, is, and will be. There is generally no reason to create something as significant as time and existence itself if you already knew the outcome. Unless the outcome concerns us so little that we’re actually akin to a brick on a road. In either case, it’s above my paygrade but doesn’t really warrant my worship.

    I was raised Catholic in a Catholic family in a Catholic country. Went to Sunday school and read the Bible and all that. I prayed hard every night as a child for god to make people stop fighting and to stop the hurting. It would be within his power, wouldn’t it? If god so chooses, he could appear and change humans to be better than what we currently are.

    But that leads to a few conclusions. He could have the power, but is curious instead about what we lead to. In which case, he can be surprised and is not omnipotent. He could not have the power, in which case he’s not really all that powerful and isn’t worthy of undying worship. He could have both, but are just using us a a stepping stone to make way for a better species to come along. In which case, he is also not really worthy of worship.

    No, I think we’re alone. I think we can’t rely on an omnipotent and all-good being to save us. I think we’re all we have, and so we have to do what we can to help the next person along. Because no one is coming.