Rep. Pramila Jayapal, the head of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, on Saturday condemned Israel as a racist state, warning activists that there is an organized opposition against progressive critics of Israel’s policy towards the Palestinians.

The sharp criticism from the lawmaker from Washington state marks among the highest-level condemnations of Israel, as several members of her caucus plan to boycott Israel President Isaac Herzog’s address to a joint session of Congress later this week.

Speaking on a panel at Netroots Nation, an annual progressive activist conference in Chicago, Jayapal was addressing pro-Palestinian attendees interrupting the session.

    1 year ago

    because I can “claim” the land as mine as my ancestors resided there a thousand years ago

    Actually, the Jewish National Fund purchased land from subjects of the Ottoman Empire. Often when the Jews showed up to claim their purchase, they found that there were Palestinian Arabs living there. That’s a result of misappropriations under the Ottoman Land Act of 1858.

    That doesn’t make the situation any less horrible, but it’s a far cry from the way you describe it.