Source: JOHAN EGERKRANS - SJÖRÅET – Johan Egerkrans Shop


The sjörå rules over the mountain pool, lake or – if it is a powerful water sprite – the system of lakes that are part of her territory, in the same way the wood wife rules over a forest. She appears as a very beautiful woman, usually sitting on a rock combing her long, dark green hair. Like the wood wife, her back can be hollow or at times covered in scales, but unlike the mermaid she doesn’t have a fish tail. She walks on two legs instead.

Just as the water itself, she both gives and takes life. She rules over the fish in the lake, and the fisherman who shows her respect and leaves an offering of a few coins or a twist of tobacco will not only get a good catch but also be warned of approaching bad weather. Unlike the Neck that seems to lure people to a watery death out of sheer malice, she seldom drowns people in cold blood, only as repayment for an injustice. Not unless she is extremely hungry, that is …

The illustration is from the book Vaesen.

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