• Mamertine@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I don’t think that is what motivated my parents, Grand parent, not great grandparents.

    I’m working because I’ve got bills to pay, and have to feed and house myself and my family. That was likely a shared motive across generations.

    My grandparents stayed at a single company for decades because the company took care of them. No company today does that. I’m an expense on the budget. Should that expense become greater than the value I add, I’m booted out the door.

    • lightnegative@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      I know right, I was thinking “this has to be satire”

      Nobody has ever cared about the shareholders except top level management, but even then it’s more about a business transaction and not actual caring

      • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        Meh, when capitalism used to plan decades ahead they did.

        People wanted their company to do well, because that means the job stayed too. And those jobs had pensions that they wanted to keep paying when they retired.

        Now workers know that at literally any point the company could be shuttered because of the short term profits from selling it off piecemeal. And the percent that gets pensions is probably too depressing for me to even Google.

        Workers don’t trust companies, but that’s because of how companies have spent decades treating workers.

        Loyalty is a two way street, but companies are mad workers are giving it up now too decades after companies already gave up.

        • lightnegative@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          I guess I’m too young to remember the “good ol’ days” of companies.

          At one of my previous jobs, a guy in his 60’s had been there for 30+ years. He joined in the days where contracts included generous redundancy and superannuation and said that if he ever got made redundant he’d be set for life.

          Unfortunately for him he was actually great to work with and good at his job, so he will probably be there until he retires of his own accord.

          When I joined the workforce there was and still is none of that. There’s really no room for other benefits beyond negotiating a higher salary / wage. So we just go for the intangibles that lead to a better work/life balance instead, like flexible hours and remote work. We owe the company nothing beyond the time agreed in the contract

  • ChicoSuave@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    The business is run by people who are stakeholders relying on the labor of non-stakeholders. No one will cheer for a team if they are required to be there. Does the beer guy in a kiosk have to cheer for the team? Nope. Why is it surprising that the people who don’t get represented are unenthusiastic about the success of that business?

    And to preemptively answer the thoughtless: Fuck the money. Money has caused so much shit to corrupt and lose meaning that getting paid is not enough. In a world where having a job means eating, people will have a job. But it doesn’t mean people like or support that job - it is literally only a paycheck. If the job causes grief or enables toxic behavior like the traditional employer/employee relationship, then the money isn’t worth it.

    Business leaders have lost the human connection to both the people who use the business and those who work it. The lack of common sense AND respect for those who work is evident to even the most basic laborer. Be kind to those working for you and they will work harder. Be unkind and expect that same unkindness back through lack of business. At this point being a business leader is tantamount to being a petty tyrant who must be defied. Be kind, do good. Money will follow people and people go where they are welcomed. Workers are people too.