I don’t mean to be pessimistic, bit since most subreddits are only going dark for a couple days, the site will basically be back to normal soon. I wonder how many users here are only here because of temporary outrage and not because they actually prefer Lemmy. I’m curious about people’s outlook on this situation.


Edit: Wow this blew up!

Edit 2: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

Edit 3: RIP my inbox! I can’t believe this made /r/all!

Edit 4: We did it Reddit! Lemmy!

  • panoptic
    371 year ago

    No idea - but I actually think the Fediverse concept maps to Reddit way better than it has other social networks so I could see some iteration of this really catching on over time.

    For something like Twitter, the whole value proposition is “one big universal conversation” and the federated stuff gets in the way of that a little bit, but Reddit has always been a federation of communities (who occasionally fight, join together, cross post, etc) - that maps really well to this stuff.

  • Yote.zip
    301 year ago

    I’m not here because lemmy is better right now, but because I want to move towards open platforms and a better future. It’s an investment. Deciding to move right back to reddit 2 days after they just stabbed you in the back is shortsighted in the extreme. Reddit will not stop until it devours itself and you along with it. Disabling the API is only the latest in a long line of anti-user changes in favor of money, and you can be sure there’s more on the horizon.

    I’d encourage anyone who isn’t 100% satisfied with lemmy and its user experience right now to give it some leeway, because you’re comparing the experience to reddit apps that have had years and years of polish. With a community and donations to servers and developers, we can quickly fix the most egregious papercuts. These are growing pains, and they won’t last forever.

  • I’m probably going to start using Reddit again when the blackout ends and keep using it until the end of the month, but once RIF stops working I don’t see myself going back. The way I see it, the last couple of days have been a nice stress-test period for Lemmy, but the real exodus will start in July.

    • ConditionOverload
      81 year ago

      Yeah Sync for Reddit is shutting down at the end of the month, so I’ll go back and save some of my favorites and then officially get off Reddit for good come July.

    • @Yog@lemmy.fmhy.ml
      31 year ago

      Same here. It’s been good whilst it lasted. Won’t be using Reddit once Apollo stops working.

      • @Kaerey@lemmy.world
        21 year ago

        I’m kind if shocked subs didn’t have a lemmy community already in mind when they went dark. Just a sign that they ate doing their token protest and the lb back to business as usual in the next few days.

  • Drew Got No Clue
    221 year ago

    Impossible to say now, but definitely quite a lot of them are not going to be regular users. I still hope/believe the majority will stay though.

  • @ConstipatedFox@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I can guarantee I won’t be going back to reddit on mobile if they go ahead with the API changes. I may occasionally use reddit on desktop but 99% of my reddit usage was on mobile via Sync.

    Once they get rid of old.reddit (which they inevitably will) that will force my hand and I’ll have to fully move to Lemmy. As luck would have it, the developer of Sync is considering re-purposing it to run on Lemmy which would be perfect for me.

  • Quit_this_instance
    181 year ago

    I’m sure there will be a huge downtick, but there’s also people like me who heard about Lemmy because of Reddit but this is totally something I’d support. Now that I know it’s here, I have a source for my cat videos and obscure video game recommendations, I don’t really need the activity and tumult of Reddit. I’m sure there are dozens like me. Dozens.

  • @CannaVet@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    How many users here do you think are going to get bored and end up back on Reddit as soon as the blackout ends?


    90% of the engagement I’ve seen regarding Lemmy is “Why isn’t this Reddit and work exactly the same as Reddit? When WILL it work exactly the same as Reddit?”

    I’m already seeing hostility a la “Well I guess we’ll see if the devs LiStEn To ThIeR uSeRs” in regards to communities getting tied to a central authority, aka the thing this was explicitly designed to not do. I’ve been offloading my data and such to self hosted options for a few years now where I can anyway, so I’m down to stay, but I DO look forward to the end of the protest and the Reddit stans going home like nothing happened like they were always going to. > How many users here do you think are going to get bored and end up back on Reddit as soon as the blackout ends?

    • @EndOfLine@lemmy.world
      121 year ago

      I like to think that Lemmy is transitioning from early adopters to First Followers (to take from this Ted talk

      If only 10% of new users stay, they start to build out new servers and communities. As Reddit continues to degrade, some (maybe even most) of those 90% will start to trickle back, creating lasting growth and widespread adoption (vs the casual tourism).

      • @CannaVet@lemmy.world
        31 year ago

        Just before all this blackout stuff started lining up I got a week ban for abusing reports on a report they agreed with and actioned. I’ve been pretty over Reddit anyway so here we are lets goooooo lol

  • Ulu-Mulu-no-die
    141 year ago

    Probably a good chunk, I don’t mean to be pessimistic either but that’s how it usually works on “big” movements.

    Some people follow the flow because they’re caught into the enthusiasm of the moment while not being actually convinced about what they’re doing, those people are highly likely to go back when things are back to normal (tho in my opinion reddit will never be “normal” again).

    How many they are is impossible to tell.

    The blackout is only the first wave, there will be another one IMO when 3rd party apps actually shutdown (June 30th), after that, things will settle and population on lemmy will lower, that’s not a bad thing IMO, it doesn’t do any good to have people here that don’t actually want to be here.

    As for me, since I joined I’m doing my best to be involved in lemmy communities with the specific purpose of not missing reddit anymore and not care anymore when they’ll break old.reddit (they will like their doing with the API).

    I already feel at home here, I’m not going drastic as to nuke my reddit account or anything, tho I’ll most probably make a GDPR request and leave for good.

  • BitR1ot
    141 year ago

    I have no intention of installing the official Reddit app. I’ve used Apollo for years and I’ll leave once it’s no longer an option. The way Reddit treated the Apollo developer is inexcusable.

    I managed to quit Twitter, I’m certain I can quit Reddit too.

  • @justalyintometa@lemmy.world
    141 year ago

    I’ll still always rely on Reddit for obscure answers to questions when googling, but I plan on staying with Lemmy once Apollo is taken down. I’ve been trying it out and adjusting to it during the blackout and as long as the community stays somewhat consistent, I like it here more. Reminds me of when I first joined Reddit over a decade ago.

    I usually wont quit an app over changes like this but Reddit to me is different. I like Reddit for being a place to find new communities to join and interact with what’s popular, and since the spez ama and the removal of 3rd party apps I just don’t trust it to stay that way anymore. The last thing I want to see Reddit become is another infinite scrolling content feed that an algorithm thinks you’ll like so you never want to stop scrolling. And I’m assuming since they just want to seek profit that’s what it will eventually become.

  • @iso@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    141 year ago

    I will likely go where Reddit Sync goes. I don’t really mind if the content here isn’t as vast as on Reddit, if I have Sync I have all that I need

    • @iso@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      11 year ago

      Oh right, until then I’m actually using this platform straight from the browser. It’s actually working good enough for me that way.

    • @dannoffs@lemmy.sdf.org
      11 year ago

      Same. I have a filter list in sync that’s been building for a decade now and I question the sanity of anyone who browses reddit without filtering out like half of it.

  • @Calvin@lemmy.world
    131 year ago

    I’m going to try my darnedest to not go back on Reddit. I’m sure I’m just a drop in the bucket for them, but it’s the principle of the thing. Same thing with Netflix and their recent household bs. Even though I got a discounted plan / free plan for fewer screens with my phone plan, I canceled because I don’t want to give them a single cent. I found myself habitually opening Reddit yesterday on my phone and then immediately closing it, so I forced myself to delete Sync :(

    Still trying to get used to Lemmy but gotta rip off that Reddit band-aid and start using this more. The biggest thing I’ll miss is just how widespread Reddit was. If I had a specific question, typically Googling my question and appending “reddit” at the end would do the trick lol. Hopefully engagement here can slowly build up to that one day.

    • @pproe@lemmy.ml
      61 year ago

      Putting ‘reddit’ in a Google search is genuinely the only way to find a good discussion on most things nowadays.

      Let’s hope lemmy gets to this point in the future.

      • @arcrust@lemmy.ml
        11 year ago

        Reddit or Wikipedia.

        Just today there was something I wanted to look up about tears of the kingdom. And I accidentally clicked a reddit link 😭

        Seperately, I just recently bought a new doorbell camera (a POE one), had a question about the standards it used. Clicked on reddit 🤦

      • @WarlordSdocy@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        I’d say it’s the fact that even as time has gone on and reddit has gotten more casual users there is still a much higher percentage of “hardcore” users on Reddit versus other social media. Or at the very least the hardcore users have a lot more influence then on other social medias, since they’re the ones more likely to be posting content lots of people see and moderating content. As well as those users being a lot more likely to be willing to learn a new more complicated platform and more likely to be directly affected by 3rd part apps shutting down. This all combined means that the hardcore users the platform relies on are more likely to leave to places like here which without them will make the website worse and cause more casual users to leave.

  • @bcbane@lemmy.world
    121 year ago

    Not going back unless I’m looking for some obscure piece of knowledge. This fulfills my needs for news and conversations about niche topics. Hoping this keeps growing and new mobile apps come out to support it

    • @mop@lemmy.ml
      71 year ago

      I’ve been using Jerboa on Android, it works quite well! I especially appreciate the “all” feed where you can see posts from all instances.

      A bit difficult to know if the app or the instance is bugging out when something goes wrong, but I’ve realized it’s mostly the instance (lemmy.ml). I assume it’s because all of us Reddit users have come over!

    • I already know RIF is gone. I’m operating on the assumption that old.reddit will be gone soon.

      Even with old.reddit, you still get karma bots and rampant native advertising and corporate bullshittery that I won’t miss.

      I’m ready to cast off reddit and forge ahead to the next platform, even if I know the journey will be a bit rocky at first.

    • Parsley
      11 year ago

      Wow I didn’t know they were canning old.reddit.