• meep_launcher
    9 months ago

    So talk to any conservative and they will talk your ear off on anything and everything bad about socialist Venuzuela.

    To say life in Venuzuela is great is overlooking some major issues that the country faces. My old coworker at the school I taught in Chicago was a Venuzuelan refugee who escaped in 2020, and gave me some insight. Venuzuela has been marred in political unrest, they have gangs that the police use to disappear people so they don’t have to get their hands dirty, and Maduro has not been a democratic leader. His old coworkers at the university he taught at began to disappear at faster and faster rates which is why he chose to leave. I don’t want to be debating the state of Venuzuela on this thread, but I think it’s important to note even the best laid policies can be ruined with a poor administration.

    More to the point- conservatives will always find ways to blow it out of proportion in the US with “single payer healthcare = socialism = Venuzuela = end of times” or “debt relief = socialism = Venuzuela = end of times” or “Barbie = socialism = Venuzuela = end of times”

    With the Milei administration, the way US conservatives have asked us to defend what Chavez and Maduro have done to Venuzuela will be turned around to where they have to defend what Melei does Argentina.

    • Compactor9679
      9 months ago

      “Talk to any conservative” mmm no… Talk to anybody who has an idea of what venezuela is facing.

      Barbie? Hahahaha wtf does a doll has to do with Venezuela hahahha

      You are just funny, may be a trip to venezuela would help? Ask your friend to take you, or venezuela is so good that he is just away in vacation in the US waiting to come home?

      • meep_launcher
        9 months ago

        Oof we are missing the point. Talking to conservatives is kind of a part of daily life for most people, and actually pretty healthy imo, even if you don’t agree with them. If you don’t you’re just playing into the hands of everyone who wants to see the death of our country.

        Yes, the Barbie thing is a joke, it has nothing to do with Venuzuela, but conservatives could always find a way.

        I think at this point discounting the words of people who I’ve shaken hands and shared beers with as them “taking a vacation” just means you are talking in bad faith and ultimately this conversation can’t go forward from there. Have a nice evening, but I can’t talk to you like this.