I was homeschooled previously with a small group of other children and we fart in class all the time.
Now I’m in public school for high school and no one is farting. I was very sheltered and public school is like a whole new world for me, so I don’t know what the norms are. I’ve been holding it in but my stomach hurts and it leaks out anyway.
I don’t understand how there are so many more people in high school and yet zero farts…
Holding your farts is one of those things that goes from impossible to trivially easy with practice.
Like walking, speaking, playing a Bach fugue on the piano, doing a backflip, or memorizing your ten digit phone number, it’s one of those things that doesn’t even seem possible when you first try.
So yeah. The social norm in public school and in basically the rest of the civilized world is to hold your farts until you can release them in a bathroom, or outside. If you release them outside don’t do it immediately before coming in because it takes time for the smell to dissipate.