I have tried installing it with docker on Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 LTS but cannot seem to get it working. The build keeps erroring out with docker errors.

    • pascal
      1 year ago

      Would it be possible to teach us? Or give a quick step-by-step guide to make in run at least?

      • Re4mstr@lemmy.re4mstr.com
        1 year ago

        Well, if it’s your first time selfhosting and setting up your environment, I’d to things in steps. Great thing about virtualization is that you can snapshot.

        Once you get proxmox up and running, choose an OS to virtualize, snapshot once made. Snapshot once configuration for users etc, snapshot once docker has been installed, snapshot after docker-compose has been configured… You get the idea.

        Set up backup of the VMs/containers, set up lemmy using the official docker-compose step-by-step guide. Once you reach it on port 80, set up nginx.

        • pascal
          1 year ago

          Since messing around with Linux more than 10 years ago, I always had the idea of self hosting something myself on a headless PC.

          Until last year, I had the bad habit (for today’s standards) to host everything on a single machine. My Linux server was my SMB file server, mail server, torrent daemon, minecraft server, firewall, and so on.

          Last year, thanks to what I learnt with vmware at work, I decided to install proxmox at home, bought a couple of old PCs so that I could have a 3-nodes Proxmox cluster, and a separate machine for proxmox backup server.

          Everything that was running on a single OS before, now has its own VM (for shit like Windows) or LXC (for most of the stuff).

          You can say I’m a bit of an old school user now, so maybe you can understand me if I think that running lemmy, inside a docker compose for lemmy, inside its own container, inside proxmox, sounds like a weird recipe for a lot of overhead.

          It seems all the cool stuff on github now always have the instructions that start with “step 1: install docker” which, honestly in a virtualized environment, I’m not sure we still need it.

          Anyway, back to your post, I tried to follow both the “docker” and the “from scratch” documentation but they’re clearly lacking some steps because I failed miserably every time I tried.