Edit: I’m basically looking for new topics to explore to add to my YouTube feed/subscriptions 😁

Edit2: Great recommendations. Thank you everyone

  • u/lukmly013 (lemmy.sdf.org)
    251 month ago

    I can only focus on 1 thing at a time and there’s already 20 of them at once at any time in my head.

    But I can listen to music. Although it depends on what it is. But not to worry, I can just listen to a single song on loop for hours non-stop.

  • @intensely_human
    221 month ago

    I like watching magicians do magic tricks while I drive, and trying to spot the technique.

    I’m just kidding don’t do that

  • Rose Thorne
    121 month ago

    Might not be up your alley, but there’s a dude called “Just Background Noise” who does various Morrowind challenge runs. It’s neat stuff, but his name is quite accurate. Makes for some great background listening.

  • Call me Lenny/Leni
    71 month ago

    I like listening to a number of things, but watching things just slows me down.

  • Northernlion/The Library of Letourneau, he plays videogames and just kinda does a stream of consciousness thing that often has nothing to do with the game itself. It’s entertaining and he has a nice voice.

      • pelletbucket
        21 month ago

        we really need to set up a Discord server where people can live chat all the Pluto TV channels

    • @fossphi
      21 month ago

      It’s a fantastic podcast! But I feel like it’s kinda too good to have it in the background

  • @Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Lately I’ve been going through my favorite artists and listening to their music in chronological order.

    I hate the “pick something to listen to” phase of music listening, full albums let’s me control what im listening to while not needing me to maintain it.

  • @Alice@beehaw.org
    51 month ago

    Do you like silly stuff? I usually put on the YouTube channel Drawfee. A group of artists take ridiculous prompts and draw them on the fly, and the idea usually mutates mid-drawing based on their conversations.

    Might not be great as you have to be able to look up from what you’re doing to see the drawings. I’m more of a multitasker so it works for me.

  • gregorum
    41 month ago

    Star Trek. All of it.

  • Trackmania gameplay. It’s an arcade racing game, purely skill based, no story to follow. Players will play the same track multiple times until they get a good time, that way you don’t miss anything important if you look away for a while. Probably not gonna work for you if you’re not into the game though.

    • businessfish
      11 month ago

      trackmania has that in common with basically all speedrunning streams/content. super nice to have in the background since it can be repetitive and you can pay attention if they get a good run going :)

      and there are people who speedrun probably every game you’ve ever enjoyed, so there is plenty of options!

  • SanguinePar
    41 month ago

    MST3K, especially some of the episodes I’m most familiar with.

  • @juliebean
    31 month ago

    i like listening to Lily Simpson videos when i’m doing chores and such. Her videos are often fairly long (meaning i don’t need to stop what i am doing to pick another video), easy to take in without having to actually watch with my eyeballs the whole time, and of consistently high quality.

    • CelloMike
      21 month ago

      Was about to say the same thing - just annoying it’s not all available online in the UK

      • @YurkshireLad@lemmy.ca
        11 month ago

        There are a lot of episodes on YouTube, on there official channel and on other channels. Plenty to keep me occupied for a while.