I’ve known since I was a kid that I’m depressed. I even have infant photos of me, where I look like I just hate life. Other baby photos the baby is smiling, and interested in everything. Whereas I look like even though I’m too young to even have thoughts, I’m still giving off body language of “leave me alone”.

But when I started asking everyone I knew if they too were depressed, I haven’t gotten one single person to say that they’re happy. Everyone has said they’re depressed. So now I wonder if it’s a regional thing, or if everyone everywhere is depressed.

  • Call me Lenny/Leni
    30 days ago

    How I answer such a question would depend, do you consider anhedonia to fall under depression or to be separate?

    Being legit targeted in this universe and its people, almost as if the universe is one big RH negative womb and I’m an RH positive fetus, does not help me here.