Once you try Vim you will never use another text editor. Or any other program for that matter because you won’t be able to exit.
I also had that experience with emacs, which has a built in help system. I couldn’t find a topic on ‘exit’ or ‘quit’ and refused to just search online.
Took me half an hour.
and refused to just search online
Unless you were f*cked by your ISP as I am right now, that’s having some balls. Or being masochist. But nothing in between
I really didn’t want to let it win.
I’m editor bilingual but im a bit rusty in Emacs, so skill check: its C-x C-c right?
Ctrl + meta + butterfly
Yes. Though I believe it only kills the current frame if there are multiple
No, I think that exits. C-c k kills the buffer, C-x 0 (zero) will kill the frame. But I may have changed my binds and can never remember which is window and which is frame in emacs terms.
However, it’s somewhat moot as just about everywhere you run emacs, it’ll open up in gui mode and you can use the file menu. (Or use F10 to bring up the menus in terminal, but I have no idea where on the manual it would say that)
What are you running MS-DOS? laughs in multi-tasking.
I just drag my vi terminals to another workspace and launch a new editor.
I just drag my vi terminals to another workspace and launch a new editor.
I see what you did there. Lol.
If I wanted to hear about what’s good about Vim, should I:
a) ask what’s good about vim
b) assert blindly that there is nothing good about vim so fanboys will come crawling out of the walls tripping over each other to tell me how I’m wrong?
Doesn’t matter we will tell you either way.
- Instead of simply shortcuts, vim uses “chords”. Every new shortcut I learn can be combined intuitively* with all the other shortcuts I know.
- Because of this there’s no faster way to edit files than Vim in the hands of an experienced user.
- this let’s me spend almost no time editing code, freeing up the rest of my time for swearing at piss poor documentation.
* I use “intuitively” here in a way that not merely stretches, but outright abuses the definition of the word.
Thank you for telling me all this neat stuff! :D
I think I get what you are intending to imply by the word “intuitively”; it’s that it eventually becomes as reflexive and fluid as touch-typing itself.
Gosh you make it sound almost like you play Vim like an instrument more than use it…!
Honestly that sounds cool _
I think I get what you are intending to imply by the word “intuitively”; it’s that it eventually becomes as reflexive and fluid as touch-typing itself.
Exactly like that!
It’s also another source of the many “I can’t exit Vim” jokes, because it is now genuinely disorienting for me to try to edit text without Vim key bindings.
Gosh you make it sound almost like you play Vim like an instrument more than use it…!
That’s a great analogy. It does very much feel that way.
Honestly that sounds cool _
It is pretty cool.
Wether it’s really worth the learning curve is probably unique to each person that tries it. But for folks who need to edit a lot of text a lot of the time, it’s pretty great.
It’s intuitive if your previous editor was ed(1) and you’re using an ADM-3A-like keyboard.
It’s intuitive if your previous editor was ed(1) and you’re using an ADM-3A-like keyboard.
Exactly! Ha!
tl;dr: Run
, learn vim, enjoy lifeIt’s extremely powerful, for mostly the same reason that it’s incomprehensible to newbies. It’s focused not on directly inputting characters from your keyboard, but on issuing commands to the editor on how to modify the text.
These commands are simple but combine to let you do exactly what you want with just a few keypresses.
For example:
w is a movement command that moves one word forward.
You can put a number in front of any command to repeat it that many times, so
moves three words forward.d is the delete command. You combine it with a movement command that tells it what to delete. So
deletes one word andd3w
deletes the next three words.f is the find movement command. You press it and then a character to move to the first instance of that character. So
will move to the end of the current sentence, where the period is.Now, knowing only this, if you wanted to delete the next two sentences, you could do that by pressing
Hopefully I gave a taste of how incredibly powerful, flexible, yet simple this system is. You only need to know a handful of commands to use vim more effectively than you ever could most other editors. And there are enough clever features that any time you think “I wish there was a better way to do this” there most certainly is (as well as a nice description of how).
It also comes with a guide to help you get over the initial learning curve, run
in a console near you to get started on the path tosalvationefficient editing.I’m not against that,
But if ctrl+f doesn’t let me type a search term then I’m going to scream
The war could have been avoided if user had the option to easily rebind any key/action
But if ctrl+f doesn’t let me type a search term then I’m going to scream
It’s been awhile since I’ve bothered to remap a key in Vim, but adding this to
should do it for you:nnoremap <C-f> /
I started with a bunch of these to let me keep using existing muscle memory while training new.
Is there a .vimrc that already maps all the standard notepad++ keybindings in one go ?
Is there a .vimrc that already maps all the standard notepad++ keybindings in one go ?
You may find someone who has one, but I just did the ones I found myself missing as I encountered them.
I tried someone’s all-in-one
, but it broke too many community recipes while rebinding a bunch of shortcuts that weren’t in my muscle memory anyway.I kept adjusting my
as my muscle memory transitioned. So having less to fiddle also made it easier for me to keep my.vimrc
tuned to my muscle memory.For example, I was using
instead ofCtrl+F
because I liked it better within a month or two.There are better editors to learn if your goal is to not learn vi.
In vi, search is not only used for searching, but also for navigation. Demoting search from an easy-to-reach single key to a difficult-to-press chorded key combination breaks one of vi’s core philosophies, natural editing flow, and will significantly reduce your enjoyment and efficiency using the editor.
You shouldn’t talk about vim at all! Just write that vscode is the most flexible code editor.
Don’t use Microsoft’s version. Use Vscodium! :)
Yeah. And VsCodium with NeoVim is fantastic.
I’ve seen vscode fill up home directories unnecessarily when run on the machine directly as well as remotely!
IMO vscode is a perfect example of recent software that looks great from a features pov but horrible from an efficient implementation pov. I loved it until I hated it.
It does have a vim plugin, so it’s a perfectly fine editor