Keywords: (Palestine, NATO, cursed, flags, pin, liberalism, anti-warism)

  • GVAGUY3 [he/him]
    3 days ago

    A sizable amount of people unfortunately. Seen people ask why we give the weapons to Israel when we could give them to Ukraine

    • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
      3 days ago

      Seen people ask why we give the weapons to Israel when we could give them to Ukraine

      I’ve seen this take a disturbing number of times among a certain branch of leftism I can’t name because it would violate the anti-sectarianism rule

      • FunkyStuff [he/him]
        3 days ago

        I mean, I’m certainly very far from pro-Ukraine, but I definitely think Russia is far better equipped to handle whatever NATO throws at it than Gaza. I’ve been saying since Oct 7 that every dollar Zelensky grifts is a dollar that doesn’t go to the genocide and is thefore a dollar I support being wasted to slow down Russia’s inevitable victory. I still hope every single factory that is making bombs for Ukronazis or Zionazis goes up in flames at the earliest convenience, of course.

        • Z_Poster365 [none/use name]
          3 days ago

          real talk, i’m a bit concerned that if trump wins and abandons ukraine, forcing them to surrender, then the empire will go all in 100% on Iran instead of having its attention and resources split.

          Good thing this isn’t a democracy so there’s nothing I can do about it either way, absolved of any responsibility to chose a “lesser evil” or “reduce harm” is a great mental relief. I think radlibs who do utilitarian calculus all day to try and max their altruism levels and really believe in it are in their own self constructed hell, spinning wheels in circles that don’t connect to anything

          • Teekeeus [comrade/them]
            3 days ago

            abandons ukraine, forcing them to surrender, then the empire will go all in 100% on Iran instead of having its attention and resources split.

            america is already kind of starting to abandon ukraine to focus on west asia. The empire deploying THAAD and B2s to the middle east is a bad omen

            • Z_Poster365 [none/use name]
              3 days ago

              B2s are actually in Australia, so pretty damn far away. They just have very long range when combined with refuel tankers.

              I think you’re right about the west already starting to abandon Ukraine. I think it will happen faster under Trump though, whereas a Democrat will really drag it out over like 2 years and it will be messy.

    • ProletarianDictator [none/use name]
      3 days ago

      These are all people who formed an identity around leftism before learning anything about it. They want to stand up with who they perceive as the “little guy”

      Well-meaning libs have had their conscience hijacked to serve imperialism.

      Russiagate broke their brains and convinced them that fighting Russia is fighting right-wing influence in America. The image portrayed of Iran parallels that of lunatic US evangelicals, so similarly for them. Chinese capitalism resulted in very poor working conditions in special economic zones, so opposing them must also be “left-wing”

      Western media has constructed a world view in which supporting imperialism is the only left-wing option. They’ve been tricked into opposing everything necessary to achieve the idealist outcomes they supposedly desire. This elaborate rouse requires no outright lies, only a media regimen of simple, consistent framing.

      To them, it geopolitics isn’t US & European imperialism vs. these powers & the global south. It is right wing / authoritarian forces vs. left wing / libertarian forces. Big vs. little. Frame everything in these terms and you have a lib indistinguishable from frothing fascists in terms of geopolitics.

      They can denounce “both sides” and posit a Scandinavian alternative because they have no clue how Imperialism and unequal exchange work. They cannot fathom that colonized countries cannot merely adopt social democracy, and it is their fault for not doing so.

      Media can reframe any measures as “authoritarian” and the western left will not bother to contextualize them or do any sort of analysis, lest they become sympathetic with authoritarians.

      The right wing will intuitively and correctly understand these “authoritarian measures” (i.e non-free-market for US finance capital) as left wing, so they will oppose these actions by default. But they also love triggering the libs, so they will tacitly support US adversaries when they do right wing stuff, reinforcing libs perception of them being right-wing and Imperialism as left wing.

      This is why these libs hate “tankies” with so much fury. By siding with the colonized, we indirectly attack their identity as “leftists” and to surmount that cognitive dissonance, they must make serious efforts to empathize with and understand those colonized (and brown) “authoritarians” they see as responsible for the effects of US imperialism.

      • Z_Poster365 [none/use name]
        3 days ago

        To them, it geopolitics isn’t US & European imperialism vs. these powers & the global south. It is right wing / authoritarian forces vs. left wing / libertarian forces. Big vs. little. Frame everything in these terms and you have a lib indistinguishable from frothing fascists in terms of geopolitics.

        Same as it always has been. Colonizers have always had a white savior mentality that they are bringing civilization and culture to the barbarians to eliminate primitive tribal attitudes we would call reactionary. The Iraq War was justified with “we are spreading democracy and human rights” yes, but even further back the white nations were justifying the colonization of India and Bangladesh by saying the British were building ports and railroads and raising standards of living. They were only building railroads between the resource extraction points and the ports however, and only the comprador minority have raising standards of living.

        They see South Korea, Taiwan, Ukraine and Japan as successfully done colonization, where they are made honorary aryans after they fully submit to “Western values” ie white supremacy and imperialism. The Liberals think they can repeat this process, and this is the Liberal “permanent revolution”. These are not well intentioned soft-hearted lefties, these are self-interested chauvinists who are actually even more bloodthirsty than your standard paleo-conservative Liberal who tends towards isolationism.

        Radlibs who were obsessed with Rojava were, in my experience, a lot more imperialist in their online presence and the policies they pushed for than disinterested “normie” liberals who didn’t know anything about Syria besides “I guess Assad is like a dictator or something?”. They were extremely rabidly anti-Assad, anti-Hezbollah, anti-Iran and would make endless excuses for Kurdish compradors becoming an American military base. They protested against Trump cutting off the funding to FSA!

        Sometimes these radicalized pseudo-leftists are more dangerous than just a generic apolitical liberal. This is how the trot to neocon pipeline formed, this permanent revolution urge is channeled to serve imperialism because the radlib has the fury and anger of radicalization, with just enough of the latent chauvinism to just believe whatever they hear about the people they’ve been primed to hate. They’re in that sweet spot to be an earnest crusader for “western values”.