Florida’s Republican governor said he would seek to abolish the departments of Education, Commerce and Energy, as well as the IRS.

“If Congress will work with me on doing that, we’ll be able to reduce the size and scope of government,” he added. “If Congress won’t go that far, I’m going to use those agencies to push back against woke ideology and against the leftism that we see creeping into all institutions of American life.”

  • Craynak_Zero@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    You say “Department of Christianity” like it’s a bad thing. Guess those public schools that you’re so adamant to defend utterly failed you. This country was founded BY non-catholic Christians, FOR non-catholic Christians. The rest of you have just been tolerated for the longest time; which has turned out to be the biggest mistake this country has ever committed.

    To be 100% clear, if I had the chance to jump into an alternate timeline where the United States stayed a Christian Theocratic Republic, I would. You Demonrats are the most unsufferable collection of Savages in the entire multiverse. And one day, the last of you will finally die and this country can become great again.

      • Craynak_Zero@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        I don’t troll. I was 100% serious about that post. And if it pisses off any of you subhuman leftists, too bad. This isn’t Reddit. I won’t be censored here.

        • DarkGamer@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          if I had the chance to jump into an alternate timeline where the United States stayed a Christian Theocratic Republic, I would. You Demonrats are the most unsufferable collection of Savages in the entire multiverse. And one day, the last of you will finally die and this country can become great again.

          @Craynak_Zero a song for you

          Why don’t you take your abhorrent chistofascism somewhere it’s wanted? Because it’s not here. That’s some projection, given that the ideology that’s dying is yours. Just look at the demographic shift away from religious absurdity that’s taking place in most developed countries. I look forward to seeing it in the dustbin of history with other irrational, hateful belief systems.

          • Craynak_Zero@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            I would like to see you somehow make me go somewhere else. It’s not going to happen. This isn’t Reddit, and I can’t be intimidated by the worthless text of a leftist subhuman.

            The demographic shift is temporary, as leftists don’t have kids. They only abort them.

            You want to know what ideology will die off within 20 years though? Current leftist ideology, as it’s nothing more then a Death Cult. Meanwhile, us on the right won’t abort our kids. Instead, we’ll raise our kids as good, Christian people.

            The most satisfying part is you leftists don’t even realize that your days are numbered. You mutilate and abort children, so your Death Cult can only reproduce by indoctrination of our people’s children. And the parents of the United States are starting to fight back against the left. Meanwhile, all I have to do to get my children to be Christian is tell them the truth, all of it. They are more then smart enough to be able to tell that Christianity is the only way forward.

            Edit: Really? You have to resort to call me a Nazi? That’s not going to work on me. Your opinion of me is irrelevant. And more importantly, the use of a logical farcety proves that your losing the argument. A suggestion; instead of name calling, maybe you should do something useful, like learning to code or something.

              • Craynak_Zero@kbin.social
                1 year ago

                It’s not projection when the person links a crappy video about punching videos.

                I suggest you don’t try gaslighting me or insulting my intelligence like that again.

    • eldoom
      1 year ago

      Dear sir or madam,

      I myself am a proud, gun toting, American, who is also a practicing Wiccan. I believe you should have the same rights as me. And I will fight to make sure of it if the need arises.

      Believe me when I say that there are just as many quiet armed liberals as you. There are probably just as many armed civilians as that who believe in equal rights. Except we don’t have the delusions of grandeur. You and people like you are a very loud minority.

      Go back and read your Bible. I was raised Lutheran so I know exactly what is in it. How would Jesus feel about what you just said here? Do you think that he would be proud of you? Most of his stories are about helping others regardless of who they are and what they believe in. Accepting your neighbors and causing no trouble with them. I, and people just like me, are your neighbors.

      People like you are why Christianity is on a decline.

      Revelations talks about a time when all the Christians have been called to heaven. What if it’s really referring to a time when all the people who believe in what the Bible actually says and teaches are no more? What if the beast of multiple heads is the propaganda machine that has bastardized your religion and very obviously to the rest of us turned it into propaganda? What if the new age that the apocalypse refers to is really referring to an age of peace and acceptance… Like the Bible teaches you.

      You are a dieing breed and your own religious text says so. Which, let me remind you, was written in the Middle East. By brown people.

      Jesus would be ashamed of you right now.

      Edit: aw yeah. I just remembered one thing. You know how 666 is the number of the beast? DCLXVI referred to a clever combination of the Roman Senate member’s initials at the time. Members of the Christ/Dionysus cult at the time wanted to warn their followers that the evil would be coming from their government but they feared retaliation and spoke in code there… Funny how we’ve modeled our own government so much like the Romans…

    • boonhet
      1 year ago

      That’s funny, because Thomas Jefferson was all for the separation of church and state, and every man’s choice to choose his own religion, or lack thereof.