• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • It’s kinda hard, because if all you have experienced are the shallow women who only care about looks, money, and status, being told you are wrong will just make you feel invalidated. I don’t think it’s much different from women who assume that all men are misogynistic rapists due to having been traumatized by them. It is a way to tie your experiences and identity into the ideologies you support.

  • Feminism is a political ideology, and in order to understand what a political ideology entails, you need to look at how it is applied to the real world. ‘Real’ communism is supposed to bring about a utopia in which resources are fairly distributed and everyone works as best they can to aid one another. In reality, communism has resulted in mass murder, famine and some of the most cruel dictatorships the modern world has seen.

    ‘Real’ capitalism is supposed to ensure that everyone produces what they are best at producing, and market forces should ensure that we get the best quality and cheapest products we can have while also making everyone richer. In reality, capitalism results in the aggregation of wealth and power, misleading advertising, horrible working conditions for the poor, and rising inequality.

    In the same vein, ‘real’ feminism might be supposed to create equality by tearing down the societal structures that keeps people down, ultimately helping everyone. But in reality, it simply empowers women at any cost, resulting in the marginalization and silencing of men.

    A communist might genuinely want the best for the world and envision a utopia, but that doesn’t change how the ideology is applied. And ultimately, that is the measure of what the ideology truly is. The actions of the leaders are the determinant, not the opinions of random followers.

    As it stands, right now feminism is applied in a way that either ignores or silences men. and thus, it is anti-male.