What happens next?

  • ramble81
    7 months ago

    Why would your first wife meeting your second wife be awkward? Did she expect you to be celebate the rest of your life? Did you run away with your second wife? Or never tell your second wife about your first? Now I’m curious.

    • Punkie@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Without going into detail about how their personality types were both wonderful, but clashing, there’s the obvious point that my first wife would have to cope that she’s been dead for many years and that I moved on. That wouldn’t be pleasant. She would probably see me happy with my second wife as happy as I was with her, and think, “what the HELL?” “Well, you died.” “Okay,” she’d say, and definitely NOT be okay. I might add, “you said I needed to find someone after you’re gone,” which I think the reality of what that meant in a context in front of her would hit her like an iron fist. We were each other’s first, see. My second wife would be gushing towards her, thanking her for everything in an awkward way, because while I was truthful about my previous marriage, I was also really kind. My second wife is also a widow, so she gets it. She credits my wife for “the man I have now,” which is true. I am a better person because of my first wife, but I have also changed and “grown” a little since her death. So now, I would be a different person to her. One seasoned by the death of a spouse. That shit changes you.

      I think a majority of our discussion would be, “well, what has happened in the world since 2014, then?” and that would be… bad. For all the reasons most people looking outside of this room would know. My first wife would be very upset how things progressed a few years after she died. “Trump? The asshole from The Apprentice?” And so on.

      My wives did meet, but didn’t know it. My wife was kind of a local celebrity, but my second wife was a vendor IN those circles. I has also met my first wife several times, but only as a character in the background. If that makes sense. We friended because of a local widow’s group, which she still runs with a friend. We didn’t even start dating until years after both our spouses passed, and only recently remarried. Our friends, many of them mutual since way before, approve of us finding one another.

    • intensely_human
      7 months ago

      As the plane started to nose toward the ground, OP and his first wife stared at the single remaining suicide pill. The engines were ruined, fire and smoke was starting to fill the cabin, and the cockpit doors were fused shut.

      “You can have it”, said OP

      “No, you!” his wife shot back

      “I insist baby. I don’t want to think about you burning up after all this”

      She knew there was no arguing with him. They were both going to be gone soon anyway. He was old fashioned that way. She knew he would only die peacefully if she took the pill. A painless, instant chemical death. Oh well, his would be pretty quick too. The plane would emerge from the clouds in less than a minute, and plunge into the ground shortly thereafter. She swallowed the pill, and drifted quietly away.

      Only when her pulse was gone did OP pull the last remaining parachute from under the seat in front of him. One the terrorists had forgotten to destroy, one he had spotted ten minutes earlier.

      The emergency hatch blew open, and the cloud-filled sky whipped serenely by before him. He took one last look back into the plane. The debris from the fight. The terrorists, dead on the carpet. His wife’s graceful form, seeming to nap in the reclined seat. The eyes of the other passengers, all looking at him in hurt unison.

      “That’s cold, dude” “Seriously”

      He couldn’t face their judgmental stares. He turned, and he jumped.

      Anyway, maybe she’d be surprised because she didn’t realize he was going to outlive her.