• Platomus
    1 year ago

    I’m asking over and over again because you keep contradicting yourself, so I’m trying to get a concrete definition from you.

    Just tell me what you think a homosexual person is. Is it someone pretending to be interested in the same sex? Can a person actually be attracted to the same sex or is it just something they’re “tricked” into?

    Religion dictates YOUR life. The same way I don’t push my anti-theism on you, I don’t think you should push religion on others.

    • TraditionalMuslim@reddthat.com
      1 year ago

      Ok. My definition of a homosexual person is someone who does sexual activities with the same gender and/or has desires for the same gender. Plain and simple.

      How these desires form is a different question because they can be developed through personal experiences as I mentioned before.

      Can a person actually be attracted to the same sex? Yes.

      Can they be tricked into it? Also Yes.

      You must also have a religion. If you are atheist, then where do you get your morals and values from? It can’t just come from a vacuum. What is your purpose in life?

      • Platomus
        1 year ago

        I’m anti-theist, not atheist.

        That’s also a different definition than what you said earlier. Earlier you said it was a choice only. Now you’re saying it’s something that can be internal and part of a person. Do you see why I’m having trouble having a conversation with you?

        I get my morals from thinking about things - what I think does the best for the most people. Being homosexual hurts no one so it’s morally okay with me.

        Where do you get yours from? It sounds like you just chose the simplest, easiest option instead of choosing to think about your own actions and the morals that guide them.

        • TraditionalMuslim@reddthat.com
          1 year ago

          No I don’t know why you’re having trouble because you can’t seem to wrap your head around a very simple concept. That desires can developed, you don’t have to be born with it.

          Being homosexual hurts no one so it’s morally okay with me.

          That’s not true, HIV/AIDs and other STDs are significantly more likely to be contracted through homosexual activites. Which in turn, harms everyone in the broader society. Plus if their behaviors are normalized more people will likely engage in them as well.

          I get my morals from thinking about things

          How is that working out for you? You can’t claim to have all the answers and are still discovering and learning things so your beliefs now might not be the same 10 or 20 years later. Logic isn’t always rational. Because your logic can be different from my logic. You can have both sides to an argument where both have logical points to make. There is no ultimate answer in that case.

          I get my morals and values from the Quran and the Prophetic teachings of Muhammad (ﷺ).

          It sounds like you just chose the simplest, easiest option instead of choosing to think about your own actions and the morals that guide them.

          I don’t blindly follow anything I read. The reason I chose to be a devout Muslim is because it was the only religion where their sacred text has been preserved from its inception due to factors like how hundreds of millions of Muslims have memorized the Quran by heart from the time of the Prophet (ﷺ) until today. Another factor is how Quranic manuscripts carbon date back to the time of the Prophet (ﷺ) as well. All other religions have different versions of their texts like the Bible, Torah, Vedas nor do they have any concrete evidence for their preservation.

          Of course preservation does not mandate that it is from God but it is the first step to identifying what is man-made and what is divine and pushes us closer to finding the true religion and meaning/purpose in life.

          I’m happy to go more in depth and explain further.

          • Platomus
            1 year ago

            Being gay doesn’t mean you have HIV or AIDs. That’s just your bigotry showing.

            You don’t blindly follow what you read, but you think being gay is wrong with no critical thought put into it… Lmfao, okay.

            Yeah, your not going to prove your religion is real by saying a bunch of people believe it. That’s an appeal to popularity and is a logical fallacy. This is what I mean when I say you aren’t thinking of things critically. You’re repeating religious talking points that don’t actually give you support.

            Just because a book is old doesn’t mean it’s true. Should Harry Potter be considered a historical document in 300 years? 400? How old does a book have to be for it to be considered fact? Just old enough for people to not know who actually wrote it right?

            • TraditionalMuslim@reddthat.com
              1 year ago

              Wow it looks like you didn’t even bother to read my reply throughly.

              Being gay doesn’t mean you have HIV or AIDs. That’s just your bigotry showing.

              I never said being gay means you have HIV/AIDs, but you have a higher chance of getting HIV/AIDs through gay sex. That is scientifically a fact.

              You don’t blindly follow what you read, but you think being gay is wrong with no critical thought put into it… Lmfao, okay.

              I literally gave you points about how being gay is harmful for society. Laughing off my argument isn’t helping you here and only making you look like a fool.

              Yeah, your not going to prove your religion is real by saying a bunch of people believe it. That’s an appeal to popularity and is a logical fallacy. This is what I mean when I say you aren’t thinking of things critically.

              Again, didn’t read my reply. I’m talking about preservation. When did I ever say I believe in the Quran just because other people believe in it? The only one who isn’t critically thinking here is you as you can’t even process basic arguments.

              You’re repeating religious talking points that don’t actually give you support.

              Such as? I was talking preservation of sacred texts. That is the first step because if you can’t even prove your text is the same as it was in the original then everything you say is meaningless because no one has access to the original sources.

              Just because a book is old doesn’t mean it’s true. Should Harry Potter be considered a historical document in 300 years? 400? How old does a book have to be for it to be considered fact? Just old enough for people to not know who actually wrote it right?

              I never made this a point. Never once mentioned how old a text is either. Bible, Torah, Vedas are older than the Quran so wouldn’t I say that those texts are more true? All you’ve done so far is make straw man arguments because you have nothing to bring to the table. I advise you research more about religions and especially Islam because your lack of knowledge is really showing here.

              • Platomus
                1 year ago

                Jesus Christ the projection you’re doing right now.

                Literally just hand waving away what I said - no thinking, nothing from you.

                I don’t care what your man made book says. I don’t care at all. It’s full of contradictions, it’s full of false statements, it’s full of garbage. Your belief in blatantly false things doesn’t give you authority over other people’s lives.

                Even if it was all true, your God isn’t the good guy.

                • TraditionalMuslim@reddthat.com
                  1 year ago

                  Literally just hand waving away what I said - no thinking, nothing from you.

                  Hand-waving? Name one thing I didn’t respond to. What you replied literally shows you have nothing of value to add. Just ad-hominem and bigotry. Ironic coming from you since you accuse me of bigotry. The only one projecting here is you.

                  I don’t care what your man made book says. I don’t care at all. It’s full of contradictions, it’s full of false statements, it’s full of garbage. Your belief in blatantly false things doesn’t give you authority over other people’s lives.

                  There’s really nothing I can do then. If you choose to remain ignorant and don’t care about the meaning of life and what will happen after die, then all I can do is hope Allah guides you.

                  Even if it was all true, your God isn’t the good guy.

                  Care to explain how?

                  • Platomus
                    1 year ago

                    I say “Don’t be homophobic” and you use your religion is an excuse - but I’m the bigoted one? Are you even paying attention to what you’re saying?

                    I care about what happens after I die…but I care about how I leave the world and hope I made it a better place. Not for my sake, but for everyone who is still alive. You care about what happens after you die because you care about your own spiritual being, not because of other. Which one of those two sounds more moral? Making the world a better place, or actively being hateful to protect your personal afterlife?

                    How would you describe the God you believe in? Everything I’ve heard is he is All loving, all powerful and all knowing. Is that correct?