• Huldra [they/them, it/its]@hexbear.net
    3 months ago

    That doesn’t make any sense, the law “recognizing” certain relationships isn’t the same as purely acknowledging the existence and possibility of them for the purpose of laws like if there is a law against cheating on a partner.

    • FunkyStuff [he/him]@hexbear.net
      3 months ago

      Yeah is there some kind of trap card thing in Chinese law where as soon as a court recognizes that two women had a relationship it immediately makes gay marriage legal?

      • echognomics [he/him]@hexbear.net
        3 months ago

        Hmm, the person tweeting this (as far as I can tell, they’re not living in China currently, and is some 1st gen Chinese Canadian YA author who writes Chinese history-inspired fantasy/SF) provided some “elaboration” on the alleged situation:-

        The source is from a Chinese lawyer. The law about “ruining a military marriage” specifies committing bigamy or cohabitating with a military spouse, and cohabitation is currently defined as “living as if husband and wife”

        If the court wants to charge these women they are then recognizing that two women can legally have a relationship as serious as that of a husband and wife

        (responding question whether the cheating couple is being imprisoned) No the soldier is threatening to sue the women unless they give him 200k RMB (27k USD) but they are threatening to counter-sue him for extortion. So right now it’s just threats. Even the lawyer I saw this from doesn’t know how a court would rule in this case.

        Not sure about the anonymous “Chinese lawyer” source that they’re relying on, and I can’t find a news source reporting on this case; elsewhere in the thread they posted an SCMP article, but it was about a “coventional” heterosexual jody case from earlier this year). Be that as it may, on first glance, the purpoted legal logic doesn’t seem to be completely without legs to me? If cohabitation is legally defined as “living as if husband and wife”, it seems at least arguable (not saying that it’s an argument that Chinese courts will definitely accept) that the court cannot legally recognise a “lesbian cohabitation” situation without first recognising the concept of a marriage/legally-recognised union between two women?

        • Tankiedesantski [he/him]@hexbear.net
          3 months ago

          I think it’s a really flimsy argument tbh.

          Say for example a wife of a PLA soldier has an affair with a married man and they live together, eat together, go on dates together, fuck, etc. The male adulterer would not be able to actually marry the soldier’s wife because bigamy is illegal. I don’t think it would fly for a second to argue that the male adulterer can’t be convicted because the Court would be recognizing bigamy.

          I’m not a trained Chinese lawyer or anything, but if the English translation of “as if” is accurate then there’s a ton of leeway for interpretation.

          • echognomics [he/him]@hexbear.net
            3 months ago

            Yeah. A Chinese court can probably easily differentiate between “recognising” a factual instance of bigamy (or in this case, lesbian cohabitation) while still treating it as an illegal act, and “decriminalising”/“legalising” a practice by court judgment. I would assume that any legal system would inherently need to be able to do the former without necessarily overreaching into the latter, because if that ability isn’t there then it may be theoretically possible to perversely argue that judges actually cannot impose derivative criminal libilities or pass sentences on convicted persons because courts should not recognise (i.e., legalise) a crime by doing so. In general, arguments along the pattern that a civil case cannot be won because a requirement of the relevant civil law concept is already criminal act are inherently silly, since nobody is going to argue that a civil case to get compensation for physical battery cannot be found because battery is also a criminal offence. It’s the literal/plain meaning rule being taken to the dumbest conclusion, i.e., the cases you teach in law school (if such cases exist) to show why concepts like the mischief rule/golden rule/purposive approach are necessary.

            In fact, the current situation is probably a weaker case than the bigamy example that you provided, given that unlike bigamy, “cohabitation” (or infidelity) is not even a criminal act per se, just a criteria to tick so as to fulfil other legal liabilities. So, the court can easily just say "we recognise that people sometimes have gay/lesbian relationships outside marriage, and that for LGBTQ people such relationships fit under the definition of “living as if husband and wife” without seriously worrying that somehow according to some crazy literalist interpretation they’ve created gay marriage. Somehow I don’t think LGBTQ activists in China would view that as commendable and actual progress towards legalisation of gay marriage.

          • D61 [any]@hexbear.net
            3 months ago

            What we don’t know, is the law meant to be used to punish infidelity or to punish somebody taking advantage of a lonely spouse of a deployed soldier?

            I’d imagine that if the law was meant to “protect a lonely spouse from being taken advantage of” it wouldn’t matter which gender the stay behind spouse was interacting with.

            • echognomics [he/him]@hexbear.net
              3 months ago

              That interpretation sounds like a plausible socially progressive reading of the law, given that there’s a proviso to address cases where a person rapes a military spouse “by means of violence, coercion or other means” (it refers such cases to Article 236, which concerns cases of rape by violence or coercion in general). One could argue the addition of this proviso implies that the entire article is intended to be read as a law to protect the welfare of military spouses, addressing different ways a man could take advantage of a lonely military spouse, either by dishonest seduction (dishonest because conviction under the law requires proof of the man knowing that the woman is already married), or by force/abuse of position. The relevant clause of the Chinese criminal law code reads:

              第二百五十九条 明知是现役军人的配偶而与之同居或者结婚的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。 利用职权、从属关系,以胁迫手段奸淫现役军人的妻子的,依照本法第二百三十六条的规定定罪处罚。

              Article 259: Anyone who cohabits with or marries a spouse of an active-duty serviceman knowing that the spouse is the spouse of an active-duty serviceman shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention. Anyone who uses his power or subordinate relationship to coerce and rape the wife of an active serviceman shall be convicted and punished in accordance with the provisions of Article 236 of this Law.

              Of course, the broad way that the law is phrased reveals big blindspot in the provision, as it kinda fails to consider or address a possibie situation where a military spouse could or would want to exercise agency by actively seeking out affairs while their spouse is deployed.

              Edit: Actually, upon reading the criminal law code further I realise that it also contains a general criminalisation of bigamy in Article 258 (anyone “who has a spouse and commits bigamy, or who marries another person knowing that the other person has a spouse” can get up to two years imprisonment). So, I guess in cases where a military spouse actually remarries while the soldier is deployed, that would also open her (or him/them) up to some criminal liability. However, if she’s “merely” having an affair, or cohabiting, she’s technically not liable for any crime. Which means, on a structural level, the law is a little more lenient on the military spouse as compared to the jody. This further supports the argument that it’s more accurate to read Article 259, which addresses only the person seeking to marry or cohabit with the military spouse, as theoretically aimed at protecting military spouses from being taken advantage of while their husbands are deployed instead of it being a law meant to punish military spouse infidelity, since it distinctly doesn’t seek to punish the cheating military spouse like Article 258 does for general bigamy. If Article 259 was intended to punish all military spouse infidelity, it logically would need to treat both the military spouse and the person they cheated similarly.

        • Munrock ☭@lemmygrad.ml
          3 months ago

          (as far as I can tell, she’s not living in China currently, and is some 1st gen Chinese Canadian YA author who writes Chinese history-inspired fantasy/SF)

          Not living there currently. She They was born and spent their childhood there and speaks the language natively.

        • D61 [any]@hexbear.net
          3 months ago

          The SCMP article does imply that the law serves both to try to keep a soldier’s mind on the job as well as some legal consequences for anybody specifically targeting a soldier’s spouse who is living alone during a deployment.

          I kinda wonder if the law was created to be used in this particular way or if it was written broadly enough that it can be used in spiteful ways, as this instance seems to indicate. If you’re asked for a divorce by your spouse and the first thing you do is start checking security camera footage/cell phone records for evidence of infidelity, that says more about you than your spouse.

          It’d be interesting to know the specifics of the law (which does not seem to be quoted anywhere in the article) and if there was any specific history behind its creation and application in court.

      • Huldra [they/them, it/its]@hexbear.net
        3 months ago

        I was thinking what if the law is written so it only applies if the cheating couple could get married after causing a divorce, which would be an extremely funny way to word a law like this.

        • Tankiedesantski [he/him]@hexbear.net
          3 months ago

          I won’t tell on the first years because university is a time where you can have dumb takes and be forgiven as long as you learn from them.

          Instead I will tell you about the time I was sued by a sov cit who filed a petition they wrote themselves. It laboriously detailed all the ways in which “I” (he had the wrong person) violated his constitutional rights - how I trampled on his freedom of speech, denied him a fair hearing, seized his property, etc etc - all with detailed references to the US constitution. The problem? We were not in the US, none of the stuff at dispute was in the US, and neither of us were American anyway. Dude straight up did his own research on a different legal system and just assumed it would apply where we were.

          • You don’t have to give names, but I respect your decision to refrain from dunking on actual children. As humor depriving as it may be.

            SovCits are so fucking funny, especially the ones who go around trolling cops and suing them when they get beat after finally finding a soft spot or just being persistent enough to wear down the self control.

            I have to ask, is this an Anglo nation (not asking which, just if). Because this would so much funnier if some dude in like, Belgium or something, did that. How? Like Fr, confused by the phrase international law and its confluence with Yankee hegemony?

            • Tankiedesantski [he/him]@hexbear.net
              3 months ago

              dunking on actual children

              You know this is a good loophole. I’m gonna tell you about the time an older student (at least in his mid 30s) argued with the professor for about 5 mins in class about what the author of the assigned reading actually meant to say. The professor, to his credit, tried his best to explain in plain English terms what the article meant but the student just wanted to argue. In the end the professor goes “Okay, look at the article. Now look at the author’s name. Okay, now look at your syllabus and look at my name.”

              Student dude immediately said “sorry” and sat the fuck down. He had been arguing with the professor over the professor’s article all along.

              I have to ask, is this an Anglo nation

              This was an Anglo nation but it would surprise a lot of people to know that many Anglo nations don’t have a written constitution or bill of rights.

    • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
      3 months ago

      Yeah am I to understand that the law doesn’t recognize the “existence and possibility” of same sex relationships and legally views them as impossible? Like, there’s no rules that say a dog can’t play basketball?

  • nohaybanda [he/him]@hexbear.net
    3 months ago

    Fuck it, struggle session time*: A soldier in the PLA, safeguarding the revolution, is substantively different from an imperialist boot.

    The lack of same-sex marriage is a gunuine L, but not a new one unfortunately. Still, uncritical support to my sisters who got it.

    * Not really, I got shit to do and I’m not staring at my phone all day for this crap.

    • dead [he/him]@hexbear.net
      3 months ago

      Part of women’s liberation is being not financially dependent on men, especially through marriage.

      If you look at the cases of military marriages in the US as example, the situation we imagine is that some 18 year old women right out of high school marries a boot for the financial benefits. This basically a direct exchange of sex for money. Some communist writers have made very direct comparisons between monogamous marriage and sex work. A generally accepted opinion on hexbear is that sex workers are good but forcing women into sex work is bad.

      I think really you’re asking the wrong question. The question should not be “Should people who violate PLA military marriages be punished?”. The question should be “Why are there women who are financially dependent on military marriages?” The answer is that they shouldn’t be and if women weren’t financially dependent on the marriage, they can just leave the marriage instead of cheating. The answer is that a communist society would move away from enforced monogamy.

    • iridaniotter [she/her]@hexbear.net
      3 months ago

      : A soldier in the PLA, safeguarding the revolution, is substantively different from an imperialist boot.

      Yeah but why do they get extra marriage insurance? It’s just weird

      • REEEEvolution@lemmygrad.ml
        3 months ago

        They weren’t really fighting “for” the Khmer Rouge back then. China saw itself encircled by USSR aligned countries, the incursion (can’t call it invasion, it was only a couple local division, no airt support, no artillery, no naval support) served to demonstrate to Vietnam that the USSR would not go all in for it and it should thus cut the crap it did at the time (such as offloading reactionaries to China instead of dealing with them themselves, diverting weapons intended for Cambodias liberation struggle for themselves). China achieved it goal, hence it considers the incursion a military victory, because strategically it was. Vietnam stopped being a dick.

        The alignment with Cambodia was because China needed a local counter balance to Vietnam. once the strategical goal was achieved, the alignment ended.

        • OpenDown [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
          3 months ago

          Interesting, I assume the siding with America in fighting communist Afghanistan was for the same reason then? This is a blind spot for me if you know any good books pls recommend 🙏

  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]@hexbear.net
    3 months ago

    In a conflict between the US and China, the strongest weapon in the PLA arsenal is Tik Toks posted by soldiers’ spouses and girlfriends at home.

    Joking aside, don’t take legal analysis from a rando on the internet just as you wouldn’t take medical or financial advice from them. Most people know sweet fuck all about the law and will act as if they’re god’s gift to jurisprudence.

  • Red_sun_in_the_sky@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    I re read this but I’m still lost. I get that gay rights and state recognition part. The rest about soldier affair crime is garbled to me. What are they saying. Why would a marriage divorce require defining of gay relations.

  • Dolores [love/loves]@hexbear.net
    3 months ago

    is China a country where courts can actually do that? all the charts seem to place them as using civil law so it seems a bit anglo to assume a court decision would impact more than the immediate case