The media is owned by the first group
Even the independent or non-profit media sources that have a lot of credibility and seem generally pretty chill will fall back on this every now and again.
You see it anytime you hear people talking about division or hyper partisanship “on the rise” in that clinical, abstract way that sounds objective. It’s always in a discussion about the current state of “discourse”, and it’s nearly always remarked on like the story is the spike in “disagreements”, and not about what the disagreements are actually about.This pervasive idea that somehow people being upset about the current state of affairs and the rise of actual fascism is some kind of aberration.
Like “Gee, people sure are arguing a lot these days. Boy howdy, they’re sure a feisty bunch, aren’t they?” Women literally had their right to an abortion taken away from them, we had armed fascists storming our God damn capital on the word of a President and current candidate, we had thousands die to a preventable illness because of rampant misinformation and right wing individualist propaganda, and still you hear this tone that people being really angry right now is weird.
Fucking Kurkusagst, a channel I have a lot of respect for, just the other day dropped a video blaming social media on the mounting political and social divisions in our country, and implying all will be well if we just stopped using big media platforms. Social media is definitely part of it, but anyone seriously acting like it’s the primary reason people are fucking pissed right now has to be some well-off straight white man, because the rest of us have some pretty damn good reasons to be pissed. I don’t need Twitter or Reddit or Facebook to make me angry, I just need to be paying the fuck attention.
It’s insulting to every women, every LGBT person, every non-white person, and every single person struggling to make a living right now to imply “social media is just getting us riled up.”
Can you share that video/channel? I couldn’t find Kurkusagst in any searches
Kurzgesagt - I heavily support what they do and have purchased from their shop multiple times. I have not watched the new video however.
Oh I love these videos! I actually was already half through the social media one already and had lost it in my history. Thanks for reconnecting me 🙂
It doesn’t really seem that way. I only ever hear about how evil Republicans are and how starving and precious the Democrats are. I think you’re all fucking stupid for thinking stances on subjects need to be clumped together in categories. I want universal healthcare, basic income, and the right to carry a gun for the next time police come to wreck my life over a false accusation made by a violent asshole!
Do things typically go well for people who use firearms against police? Is this some sort of crazy shit that I’m too Canadian to understand?
Red Flag there
Very definitely not if you’re black. Two famous cases of police murder- Breonna Taylor and Philando Castile involved legal gun ownership and use. The former involved her boyfriend shooting at police because he thought they were home invaders. They didn’t care.
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Please talk to a therapist. Your mindset is not normal or healthy.
The world is not normal or healthy. I’ve done absolutely nothing wrong and been punished by police and schools repeatedly. My record is a lie.
If I’d done the shit they do, it would be called slander, kidnapping, and torture.
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This is you trying to discredit me, and you’re actually labeling it genuine. I wonder what percent of people are stupid enough to buy it.
Quick question before I actually respond: are you white?
Dude things are already south for you based on the shit you’re saying
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and the right to carry a gun for the next time police come to wreck my life over a false accusation made by a violent asshole!
“I want the right to execute public officials for doing their lawful jobs (for once) when I am accused of a crime and must go through the processes everyone must in order to ensure some modicum of justice instead of rampant crime or vigilante action”
Uh, gonna go ahead and say that’s the fucking stupidest thing I’ve heard today.
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I’ve been through the process. They forced a guilty plea out of me by holding me indefinitely. There’s nothing right about any of the times law has come after me. You can dress it up pretty all you like. I shouldn’t have to be helpless when facing unfair treatment and conditions I cannot mentally tolerate.
Yeah it’s a shame you didn’t have your gun when you were held by the police indefinitely. Surely, if you had murdered a few cops they would have let you go.
Nah, they’d have killed me and that’s better than being subjected to their jail conditions. If also have killed them and maybe they will be less inclined to push random innocent people so far afterwards. I feel no empathy for them after what they’ve put me through. None.
Well it’s sounds like you have your head on straight. I’m sure you’ll be okay.
Bro needs a vacation with some rubber walls.
Of course! Because no one is allowed to be a police officers anymore other than the ones already on the job, so if you kill one, their numbers go permanently down! That cop you kill to stop them from pushing random innocent people around will never be replaced by another cop. You would definitely have done something very useful.
maybe they will be less inclined to push random innocent people
So far thinking that guns will solve this problem has ingrained an “us vs them” attitude, led to no-knock raids and militarization of police. How’s that working for you?